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Children In Care: Arif's Story

Picture of Arif

Meet Arif, aged 14.

Arif currently lives with short-term foster carers and is looking for a permanent home.

Arif is looking for a long-term foster family and would love them to have a dog as he loves animals.

He has contact with his Mum, siblings and grandparents where he has overnight stays.

Arif is 14 years old and has Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and moderate learning difficulties. He is immature for his age, which leaves him vulnerable to his peers.

Arif will need a placement where there are clear and consistent boundaries and with carers who will be able to help him become assertive and independent.

Arif is polite and behaves well in school. He is good at practical tasks but can struggle academically, needing prompting to stay on task.

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Interested in fostering young people in Bradford?

We'd love to talk with you about fostering a child in Bradford. Please download an information pack now or get in touch with one of our friendly team to learn more about foster care. We look forward to hearing from you.

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