2 min

Children In Care: Dylan's Story

Learn more about Dylan, aged 11.

Dylan, aged 11, is a chatty, warm-hearted boy who has been in foster care since he was

9 and a ½ years old.

He is currently living with foster carers in short-term care but needs to move into a long-term home to get the stability he needs to thrive.

Dylan would like to live with a foster carer who is patient and supportive as he learns about the world around him. He is working well with his teachers and current foster carers and is making positive progress at school.

Dylan enjoys the social side of school and he has lots of friends in his class. He is looking forward to going to ‘big school’ in September.

He loves playing outdoors with his friends and has a thirst for adventure! He loves riding his bike. He would love to live in a foster family, possibly with other children who are older than him, a garden for him to explore and maybe a dog or a cat to play with.

Why do children and young people enter care?

Children and young people are taken into care in Bradford for many reasons, including the ill health of their parents, neglect and abuse. Every child who enters care will be cared for by local council services, who will help to find a temporary or permanent home with a foster carer. Every decision made by Bradford Metropolitan Borough Council is made in the interest of the child’s needs.

At Bradford Fostering, we are passionate about supporting young people and keeping children close to their friends, family and community. Every child deserves to have a safe, secure, and stable environment to be happy, healthy and achieve their full potential in life. We achieve this with help from foster carers across the Bradford district.

Could you foster a child like Dylan?

We'd love to talk with you about fostering a child in Bradford. Please download an information pack now or get in touch with one of our friendly team to learn more about foster care. We look forward to hearing from you.
